What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a scientifically proven, natural form of therapy which stimulates a person's innate ability to self-correct and heal.
This ancient method of balancing and building the body’s energy, has been used for thousands of years to treat and prevent many common health issues.
Chinese Medicine views disease and dysfunction as the result of an imbalance or blockage in the body’s natural energy flow.
Acupuncturists insert sterile single use needles into specific points on the body that act as conduits for energy circulation to bring the body into balance, easing physical and emotional pain and stress.
Jacqui was trained in both ​Traditional Chinese Acupuncture (TCM) Japanese Acupuncture Styles (JAS) of acupuncture in her Master's degree program at New England School of Acupuncture-(NESA)(now the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS). She often uses these styles acupuncture as a foundational treatment to promoting a felt sense of physical, emotional and spiritual balance and ease.
Ear Acupuncture: known as "auricular" acupuncture- involves the placement of tiny needles in specific points in the ear, believed to correspond with specific organs, emotions or sensory feelings. It can be very effective at calming the nervous system and promoting a healing response. Sometimes small needles are taped and left in the ear for home therapy.
SAAT: Jacqui was trained personally by Dr. Nader Soliman in Auricular Therapy and SAAT- a highly effective and patented protocol to support the immune system and help reduce allergic responses in the body.
Sports/ Orthopedic Styles - Jacqui studied sports medicine acupuncture with Matt Callison, founder of Acusport Education. This is a system of evaluating and treating pain and structural imbalances using specific evaluation and acupuncture techniques.
Trigger Point/Dry Needling: needling technique used to reset optimal muscle length and release tension from the tissue. Patients often feel a twitch and sense of immediate relief. Jacqui has been trained specifically in this technique and also uses it within the context of the system of acupuncture. She is often asked the difference between acupuncture and dry needling. Here is a link to an article that explains the similarities and differences.
Trigger Point Release/ Acupressure: in addition to needling, Jacqui often uses manual therapy/acupressure techniques to release trigger points and muscular tension in addition or in lieu of acupuncture needles.
Kinesiotaping - Often, at the end of the session we will apply and send you home with Kinesiotape which provides additional support and continued healing in between sessions by gently lifting and stretching the skin, which promotes lymphatic drainage, and reduction of inflammation.
Cupping/ Gua Sha- these are traditional Chinese medical techniques to increase circulation and reduce muscle tension. ​
Gua Sha is similar to cupping. It is performed by using a tool in a repetitive motion firmly across a tight area of musculature. It is effective in breaking up adhesions and knots within the muscles and allowing the qi and blood to once again to provide nourishment to the area. Gua Sha can be used in place of cupping in harder to reach areas of the body such as the nape and sides of the neck. It is a good adjunct technique to use when treating headaches.
Infrared Heat Lamp/ Cold Laser therapy: Jacqui uses a cold laser as a support therapy, or in some cases - in leu of needles to treat acu-points for sensitive clients. A heat lamp is placed over specific areas of the body and provide gentle but deeply penetrating warmth. Both therapies increase circulation and promote cellular healing, and are often used while the client is resting with the needles in or while receiving body work.